- I've never done any programing before. What is the best way to start learning how to write MEL scripts? Would courses that teach C, C++ or Java help?
- How do you find out all these things about MEL? I can't find some things in the documentation!
- How do I determine which Reference files are currently defined or loaded? How do I load and unload them?
- How can a get a list of all vertex or edge components that are associated with a polymesh face? (or vice versa)
- Given a polymesh edge component, how can I get a list of its associated vertices?
- How do I get the normal vector for a polygon face or vertex?
- How do I get the global or world-space coordinates of an object or component?
- How can I turn off all of a scene's textures for rendering (similar to the flag in PA)?
- How do I find the Shape node of a Transform? Or the Transform of a Shape node?
- How do I find out which items are highlighted/selected in the MultiLister?
- How do I declare a matrix whose size is determined at run-time?
- How do I strip the "new-line-character" off of the end of my string variable?
- How do I save preferences for my scripts so they are recalled in subsequent sessions?
- How do I determine the name of the camera for the currently active layout panel?
- How do I get and set the ‘Show’ Options for the currently active layout panel?
- How should I name my UI controls? Which is better: defining my own names, or using the names Maya assigns?
- How do I hook up a slider to an attribute so that it updates in real time?
- Why are my "instantaneous" constraints not being applied to the target object?
- How do I get information for a motion curve value at a specific time?
- How can I determine if a camera other than the default cameras has been created if I don't know the name of the new camera?
- How can I determine the world space coordinates of NURBS surface edit points?
- How do you center a button (or any other UI control) in a layout?
- How can I add a control to the top of a UI layout instead of the bottom (as is the default)?
- How do I retrieve a list of only the selected Lights (or any other node type that uses a transform/shape pair)?
- How can I turn off the main modelling views automatically so Simulations calculate without being slowed by redraws?
- How can I control the display of Key Ticks in the Time Slider via MEL?
- How can I Prelight a polymesh without having its material/texture influence the resulting vertex colouring?
- How do I query/set the Time Slider and Range Slider?
- How do I query the tangent angles, weights and types for the keyframes on the object I'm animating?
- How can I get Maya to execute a command as soon as a window is closed?
- How do I create and edit Shelf buttons?
- How can I mirror the keys on an animCurve so the animation plays backwards?
- How do I create a Lambert shading network given the path to the image file on disk?
- How do I change units (e.g. Angular or Time) via MEL?
- How do I enforce backslashes for Windows filepaths (or forward slashes for Maya)?
- How do I get/set the name of the scene that's currently loaded, the current project and the default project?
- How can I ensure that a polygon face component is planar?
- How do I represent a custom numeric attribute as a drop-down text menu in the Attribute Editor?
- How do I activate any of Maya's Sacred Tools via MEL?
- How do I deal with those weird float values that I get instead of zero (e.g. -8.881784329e-017)?
- How do I extract just the filename or just the directory from an absolute path description?
- How do I replicate the Frame Selected and Frame All hotkey functions in MEL?
- How do I find/close Maya's editor windows -- the Dope Sheet and Graph Editor, for example?
- How do I get the assigned Shading Group for an object or face component?
- How do I expand a polygon component selection to include all components in the same shell?
- How do I toggle playback between "Normal" and "Free" while playback is running? It only seems to take effect when I restart playback at the beginning.
- How can I change the precision of the floating point values in Maya's editors (such as the Channel Box, Attribute Spreadsheet and Attribute Editor)?
- How do I toggle between 'Hide UI Elements' and 'Show UI Elements?'
- How do I toggle the visibility of the Model panels' menu bars?
- How do I run a MEL script as a background process?
- How do I control the Grid display settings via MEL?
- How do I get the width and height of a file texture?
- How do I get the names of the locators that animate a two- or three-node Camera's "View" and "Up" control if all I know is the name of the Camera?
- How do I dock Maya's Graph Editor, HyperGraph, Render View, et al, in my own window?
- How do I get an expanded list of selected components instead of the default "range" format?
- How can a get a list of all vertex or edge components from a polymesh in proper counter-clockwise or "render" order?
- How do I determine which UV Set is being used to derive the UVs for the Texture of a given face component?
- How do I determine how many CVs are in a NURBS Curve or Surface?
- How can I create a hotkey to cycle through the Shelf tabs?
- How do I determine if a transform is a Group node?
- How can I create a MEL procedure that can accept multiple (and optional) flags or arguments?
- How do I set defaults so Materials, Cameras, Layout views, et al. have my own settings every time I start a new scene?
- How do I toggle the Polygon statistics in the Heads-up Display?
- How do I create a window with controls overlaying a background image?
- How do I use MEL to get and set the Render Globals?
- How do I control the Graph Editor's Outliner and Graph panels?
- How do I control the visibility for the currently active Display Layer?
- How do I specify the options for an Export plug-in (a.k.a. File Translator)?
- How do I change a Material's type - from Lambert to Blinn, for example - using MEL?
- How can I intercept a Save or Save As operation?
- How do I determine what Blind Data types are defined and assigned?
- How do I output the UVs for each Vertex component?
- How do I determine the length of a NURBS curve?
- How can I select all of the isoparms for a NURBS surface?
- How can I list all active values/connections in a compound array attribute, such as the ‘.colorEntryList’ for a ramp texture, or the ‘.inputs’ for a layeredShader node?
- How do I undeclare a variable used in the Script Editor so I can use it as a different type?
- How do I create a popup or Marking Menu that activates via mouse button but only when a hotkey is pressed?
- How do I determine the path for a script while it is executing; for example, to load another file in the same folder?
- How do I perform a case-insensitive string comparison?
- How do I extract the numeric part of a unique name; e.g. the value 42 from "pCube42"?
- How do I find the deformers influencing an object?
- How do I delete an imported camera that Maya identifies as "non-deletable?"
- How do I devise a setup whereby when I select one object, Maya automatically selects another object?
- How do I query which keyframes are selected in the Graph Editor or Dope Sheet?
- How do I determine if a shape node has been instanced?
- How do I force a window to open to a specific size or location?
- How do I determine the coordinates for an object relative to the camera's viewport?
- How do I determine which window -- like the Outliner or MultiLister -- is currently the active window?
- How can I use a single hotkey to toggle a ‘Show’ Option (or other mode)?
- How can I determine if a polygon face component is planar?
- How do I determine which Shading Group is associated with a Material?
- How do I determine which Material or File Texture is associated with a Shading Group?
- How do I create a file dialog for which I can define the default starting directory?
- Useful Regular Expressions for MEL
- Introduction To MEL
- How do I install MEL scripts that I've downloaded from the internet?
- How do I get a list of all global variables currently defined?
- How do I determine if an object is visible?
- How do I query the field names from an enumerated attribute?
- How do I store a value or string such that it is saved and restored with the current scene?
- How do I find a window and query its child layout and controls?
- How do I convert between Maya's internal linear unit ('cm') and the unit which is represented in the UI?
- How do I create a shading network that connects a Shading Group, a material and a texture?
- How do I assign an object or face component to a material?
- How do I align an object to a curve (without using a constraint)?
- How do I find the type of an anonymous MEL UI control?
- How do I use '-dragCallback' and '-dropCallback'?
- How do I plot equidistant points along a curve?
- How do I retrieve or replace a single element from an array optionVar?