MEL How-To #25

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How can I control the display of Key Ticks in the Time Slider via MEL?

The command syntax to control the display of the Key Ticks is as follows:

global string $gChannelBoxName;
global string $gPlayBackSlider;

// No Key Ticks
timeControl -e -showKeys none $gPlayBackSlider;

// Active Key Ticks
timeControl -e -showKeys active $gPlayBackSlider;

// Key Ticks from Channel Box
timeControl -e -showKeys $gChannelBoxName $gPlayBackSlider;

To demonstrate their use in the form of a simple control window:

Show Key Ticks

// showKeyTicks.mel  v1.0  (18 Feb 2000)
// MEL script for Maya
//    Bryan Ewert

global proc eg_performShowKeyTicks( int $mode )
  // Name of Time Slider
  global string $gPlayBackSlider;

  // Name of Channel Box (for Channel Box mode)
  global string $gChannelBoxName;

  switch ( $mode )
    case 0:
      // No Key Ticks
      timeControl -e -showKeys none $gPlayBackSlider;

    case 1:
      // Active Key Ticks
      timeControl -e -showKeys active $gPlayBackSlider;

    case 2:
      // Key Ticks from Channel Box
      timeControl -e -showKeys $gChannelBoxName $gPlayBackSlider;


global proc showKeyTicks()
  if ( `window -exists eg_showKeyTicks` )
    deleteUI -window eg_showKeyTicks;

  window -title "Show Key Ticks" eg_showKeyTicks;

    radioButton -label "No Ticks"
      -onc "eg_performShowKeyTicks(0)";
    radioButton -label "Active Ticks"
      -onc "eg_performShowKeyTicks(1)";
    radioButton -label "Channel Box Ticks"
      -onc "eg_performShowKeyTicks(2)";


Alternatively, you could just hotkey the command that brings up the Animation Timeline and Playback Preferences window:

preferencesWnd "timeline";