MEL How-To #32 | ||
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How do I create a Lambert shading network given the path to the image file on disk?Here's an example procedure that performs the necessary steps. // To support new place2dTexture architecture in Maya v4.5 proc float mayaVersion() { float $version = (float)`about -v`; return $version; } // A utility procedure to ease the connecting of two plugs with the same name proc connect( string $attr, string $place, string $file ) { connectAttr -f ( $place + "." + $attr ) ( $file + "." + $attr ); } global proc makeShader( string $file ) { // Create a Lambert Material, with Shading Group string $material = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name myLambert`; string $SG = `sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name myLambertSG`; connectAttr -f ( $material + ".outColor" ) ( $SG + ".surfaceShader" ); // Create a File Texture and link to Material color string $fileNode = `shadingNode -asTexture file -name myFile`; connectAttr -f ( $fileNode + ".outColor" ) ( $material + ".color" ); // Assign file to File Texture Name setAttr -type "string" ( $fileNode + ".fileTextureName" ) $file; // If you want a place2dTexture node, include the following string $placeName = ( "place_" + $fileNode ); $placeName = `shadingNode -asUtility place2dTexture -name $placeName`; // Connect necessary plugs from place2dTexture node // Note: These utilize the connect() proc defined above connect "coverage" $placeName $fileNode; connect "translateFrame" $placeName $fileNode; connect "rotateFrame" $placeName $fileNode; connect "stagger" $placeName $fileNode; connect "wrapU" $placeName $fileNode; connect "wrapV" $placeName $fileNode; connect "repeatUV" $placeName $fileNode; connect "offset" $placeName $fileNode; connect "rotateUV" $placeName $fileNode; // Maya v4.5 splits the '.mirror' attribute into // 'mirrorU' and '.mirrorV' if ( mayaVersion() < 4.5 ) { connect "mirror" $placeName $fileNode; } else { connect "mirrorU" $placeName $fileNode; connect "mirrorV" $placeName $fileNode; } // connect the placement UV plugs to the file node connectAttr -f ( $placeName + ".outUV" ) ( $fileNode + ".uv" ); connectAttr -f ( $placeName + ".outUvFilterSize" ) ( $fileNode + ".uvFilterSize" ); } To use, call 'makeShader' with the name of the image file; e.g.: makeShader "D:/projects/images/scalySkin.iff"; | ||
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