MEL How-To #106 | ||
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How do I find the type of an anonymous MEL UI control?The "objectTypeUI" command may be used to query the type of a MEL UI control. objectTypeUI AEnodeNameHeaderLayout; // Result: formLayout // objectTypeUI directKeyTool; // Result: toolButton // objectTypeUI bdeOutOfRangeColor; // Result: canvas // Watch out, tho'. It can throw you a change-up when querying items from Maya's custom control groups - e.g. a "radioButtonGrp" or "attrFieldSliderGrp." string $ca[] = `layout -q -ca columnLayout12`; // Result: polyObjsAffectedRadio separator5 polyVerticesDisplayCheck separator6 polyEdgeDisplayRadio borderEdgeHiliteDisplayCheck borderEdgeSizeSlider separator7 polyFacetDisplayCheck separator8 polyItemDisplayCheck normalSizeSlider polyUVDisplayCheck separator9 colorShadedDisplayCheck colorMaterialPopup materialBlendPopup separator10 backfaceCullPopup // for ( $c in $ca ) { print ( $c + ": " + (`objectTypeUI $c`) + "\n" ); } Result (formatted for easy reading): polyObjsAffectedRadio: rowGroupLayout separator5: separator polyVerticesDisplayCheck: rowGroupLayout separator6: separator polyEdgeDisplayRadio: rowGroupLayout borderEdgeHiliteDisplayCheck: rowGroupLayout borderEdgeSizeSlider: rowGroupLayout separator7: separator polyFacetDisplayCheck: rowGroupLayout separator8: separator polyItemDisplayCheck: rowGroupLayout normalSizeSlider: rowGroupLayout polyUVDisplayCheck: rowGroupLayout separator9: separator colorShadedDisplayCheck: rowGroupLayout colorMaterialPopup: rowGroupLayout materialBlendPopup: rowGroupLayout separator10: separator backfaceCullPopup: rowGroupLayout Now extend the query into a... rowGroupLayout? Wazzat? Well, it's a pretty good clue that this is a layout of some sort; perhaps we can generalize and again use the "layout" command. string $ca[] = `layout -q -ca polyVerticesDisplayCheck`; // Result: label check1 check2 check3 // (Incidentally, querying via "rowLayout" works here, too.) string $ca[] = `rowLayout -q -ca polyVerticesDisplayCheck`; // Result: label check1 check2 check3 // for ( $c in $ca ) { print ( $c + ": " + (`objectTypeUI $c`) + "\n" ); }; Results: label: staticText check1: checkBox check2: checkBox check3: checkBox And now what? The "checkBox" controls are all well and good, but "staticText?" It's clear you'll have to back up a step and be able to recognize this type of layout is actually a checkBoxGrp: checkBoxGrp -q -label polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Result: Vertices // checkBoxGrp -q -value1 polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Result: 1 // checkBoxGrp -q -value2 polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Result: 1 // checkBoxGrp -q -value3 polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Result: 1 // checkBoxGrp -q -value4 polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Error: line 1: Object not found: check4 // Oops.. you'll also have to take care to consult the number of children before you query willy-nilly (since you cannot query the '-numberOfCheckBoxes' flag). Or how about this one from the Attribute Editor: string $ca[] = `layout -q -ca columnLayout3`; // Result: attrFieldSliderGrp1 formLayout52 attrFieldSliderGrp2 formLayout53 attrFieldSliderGrp3 formLayout54 attrFieldSliderGrp4 formLayout55 attrFieldSliderGrp5 formLayout56 attrFieldSliderGrp6 // for ( $c in $ca ) { print ( $c + ": " + (`objectTypeUI $c`) + "\n" ); }; Results: attrFieldSliderGrp1: rowGroupLayout formLayout52: formLayout attrFieldSliderGrp2: rowGroupLayout formLayout53: formLayout attrFieldSliderGrp3: rowGroupLayout formLayout54: formLayout attrFieldSliderGrp4: rowGroupLayout formLayout55: formLayout attrFieldSliderGrp5: rowGroupLayout formLayout56: formLayout attrFieldSliderGrp6: rowGroupLayout string $ca[] = `layout -q -ca attrFieldSliderGrp1`; // Result: AFGlabel AFGfield // for ( $c in $ca ) { print ( $c + ": " + (`objectTypeUI $c`) + "\n" ); }; AFGlabel: exprStaticText AFGfield: exprFloatField Hmmm.. that doesn't help. Again, back up and recognize "AFGlabel" and "AFGfield" as controls within an attrFieldSliderGrp: attrFieldSliderGrp -q -label attrFieldSliderGrp1; // Result: Max Triangles // attrFieldSliderGrp -q -at attrFieldSliderGrp1; // Result: pCubeShape1.maxTriangles //In other words, in order to query the properties of Maya's built-in control groups, you'll need to devise some sort of logic to be able to recognize a layout's type by its children. Remember, you can always assert whether a control (or layout) is, or isn't, a presumed type by using an '-exists' query: radioButtonGrp -q -exists polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Result: 0 // rowLayout -q -exists polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Result: 1 // checkBoxGrp -q -exists polyVerticesDisplayCheck; // Result: 1 // Related How-To's19 Feb 2005 | ||
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