MEL How-To #54

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How do I get an expanded list of selected components instead of the default "range" format?

Typically Maya returns a list of selected components using its "range" format where an index sequence is compressed to "[start:end]".

ls -sl;
// Result: pSphere1.f[73:76] //

There are several methods you can use to retrieve a fully expanded list.


In Maya v3 a −flatten flag was added to the ‘ls’ command:

ls -sl -flatten;
// Result: pSphere1.f[73] pSphere1.f[74] pSphere1.f[75] pSphere1.f[76] //

The −flatten flag can also be used to expand an arbitrary selection list:

string $adjacentComponents[] = { "pSphere1.f[26:27]", "pSphere1.vtx[1:3]" };
// Result: pSphere1.f[26:27] pSphere1.vtx[1:3] //

ls -flatten $adjacentComponents;
// Result: pSphere1.f[26] pSphere1.f[27] pSphere1.vtx[1] pSphere1.vtx[2] pSphere1.vtx[3] //

Note that items in your arbitrary list must actually exist within the current scene, else the ‘ls’ command will not include them in its result array.


The ‘filterExpand’ command returns a string array of selected components and offers an −expand option. You must also include one or more −selectionMask flags to specify which component type you require:

filterExpand -selectionMask 34 -expand true;
// Result: pSphere1.f[73] pSphere1.f[74] pSphere1.f[75] pSphere1.f[76] //

29 August 2002