Maya API How-To
How can I get a MObjectArray of a particular type of DAG/DG node?
How can I get a MStringArray of a particular type of DAG/DG node?
How do I "constrain" my custom manipulator so it moves with its parent node?
How do I "constrain" my custom manipulator to the position of another manipulator within the same MPxManipContainer?
How do I use MPxLocatorNode::draw() to draw in static world-space independent of the parent locator's transformation?
How do I assign polygon objects (and individual face components) to a Shading Group?
How do I extract animated polymesh vertex coordinates?
How do I set and assign the UVs on a UVSet other than "map1" - MFnMesh::setUVs and MFnMesh::assignUVs work sporadically at best?
How do I use MDGModifier so I can get reliable Undo/Redo?
How do I determine when to use MDGContext over MGlobal::viewFrame()?
How do I get accurate weights for a rigid bind - many Vertices report as having a weight of 1.0 but not all of them are members of the skin?
How do I create a Shading Group / Material / File texture network?
How can I name a newly created MPxLocatorNode-derived object so its transform is "myNode" and its shape is "myNodeShape"?
How do I initialize a string attribute's default when it is added?
How do I write a polygon mesh exporter?
How do I execute MEL commands from the API? And
would I want or need to execute MEL from the API?
What are the advantages of using the API versus MEL?
How do I find the file texture, and the image filepath, assigned to a material?
How do I generate construction history on a mesh node?
How can I see the contents of an MString when debugging in .NET?
How do I enable syntax highlighting for MEL files in .NET?
How do I select components?
How can I use MSyntax in query mode, and still allow the user to specify an argument for a flag?
How do I access a MEL variable from the API?
How do I read and write a "componentList" attribute, such as '.inputComponents' found on polygon modifier nodes?
How do I determine the type of a MPlug in order to use the appropriate getValue() overload?
How do I query the output color for a Material?
How do I specify, and parse, a matrix, double array or double list for a MPxCommand argument?
How do you use Maya's "function" attribute types, commonly found on Trax character and clip animation nodes?
How do I select a new object that I've created using MDagModifier?
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