How do I access a MEL variable from the API?
There are a few ways to transfer values from MEL to a plug-in:
The correct way (in my opinion) is to construct a MEL command, derived from MPxNode,
which accepts the value as an argument and assigns it appropriately within
your plug-in.
float $myValue = 3.14;
myCommand -value $myValue;
When "myCommand" is parsed it will recognize the '-value' flag and assign
the specified value to a class variable. This API variable could be static as
well, if you wish for the value to be persistent.
Assign the value to an attribute on a dependency node, then read the
attribute from the API.
Assign the value to an optionVar, and then read the optionVar from the
Write the value to a disk file, and read the disk file from the API.
All of the above are "push" methods; the MEL programmer is responsible for
writing the variable to a specific location for the API to obtain its value.
One "pull" method which doesn't require (much) preparation from the MEL side
is to capture the result argument from the MGlobal::executeCommand() method:
MGlobal::executeCommand( const MString& command, double& result,
bool displayEnabled, bool undoEnabled )
One caveat: The variable you need to transfer to the API will need to be in
MEL's global declaration space.
global float $gToAPI = 3.14;
void get_value_from_mel( const MString& var, double& fromMEL )
MString fromMELCmd( "proc float _floatToAPI() { global float $" );
fromMELCmd += var;
fromMELCmd += "; return $";
fromMELCmd += var;
fromMELCmd += "; } _floatToAPI();";
MGlobal::executeCommand( fromMELCmd, fromMEL );
double valueFromMEL;
get_value_from_mel( MString( "gToAPI" ), valueFromMEL );
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