Maya API How-To #03

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How can I get a MStringArray of a particular type of DAG/DG node?

Here's an example of how I've extend the MStringArray class to populate itself with the names of DAG/DG nodes matching a specified type.

// MStringArrayHelper declaration

class MStringArrayHelper: public MStringArray

    enum PathType
      kFullPathName = 0,

    virtual ~MStringArrayHelper(void);

    MStatus   getDGOfType( MFn::Type );
    MStatus   getDAGOfType( MFn::Type, MStringArrayHelper::PathType pathType );

// getDGOfType
// Fills MStringArray with array of node names matching given type.
// * My findings suggested that the MGlobal::getSelection* functions
// could ONLY for DAG nodes and not DG nodes.  Thus, I've created
// this function as a member of a MStringArray-derived class to
// return a string array.

MStatus MStringArrayHelper::getDGOfType( MFn::Type type )
  MObject             dNode;
  MFnDependencyNode   dNodeFn;

  for ( MItDependencyNodes listIter( type ); !listIter.isDone(); )
    dNode = listIter.item();
    dNodeFn.setObject( dNode );
    if ( MS::kSuccess != append( ) )
      return MS::kFailure;

  return MS::kSuccess;

// getDAGOfType
// Fills MSelectionList with array of node names of given type.
// My findings suggest that the MGlobal::getSelection* functions
// can be used ONLY for DAG nodes, and not DG nodes.  For DG node
// support, see MStringArrayHelper::getDGOfType()

MStatus MStringArrayHelper::getDAGOfType( MFn::Type type, MStringArrayHelper::PathType pathType )
  MObject           dNode;
  MFnDagNode        nodeFn;

  for ( MItDag listIter( MItDag::kDepthFirst, type ); !listIter.isDone(); )
    switch ( pathType )
    case kFullPathName:
        if ( MS::kSuccess != append( listIter.fullPathName() ) )
          return MS::kFailure;
    case kPartialPathName:
        if ( MS::kSuccess != append( listIter.partialPathName() ) )
          return MS::kFailure;

  return MS::kSuccess;

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