Maya API How-To #33 | ||
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How do I select a new object that I've created using MDagModifier?When you create a node via MDagModifier, Maya doesn't automatically select the new node, as it would do using MEL's "createNode". For example: MDagModifier dagModifier; dagModifier.createNode( "locator", MObject::kNullObj ); // Node is created, but not automatically selected. // dagModifier.doIt(); To select the node, your first instinct will be to use the returned MObject and add it to a MSelectionList: MObject newNode = dagModifier.createNode( "locator", MObject::kNullObj ); status = dagModifier.doIt(); MSelectionList list; list.add( newNode ); MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( list ); However, this doesn't work. In fact, you'll need to find the DAG path for the node, and add that to the MSelectionList: MObject newNode = dagModifier.createNode( "locator", MObject::kNullObj ); status = dagModifier.doIt(); MDagPath dagPath = MDagPath::getAPathTo( newNode ); MSelectionList list; list.add( dagPath ); MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( list ); 02 Apr 2006 | ||
Copyright ©2006 by Bryan Ewert, Maya is a Registered Trademark of Autodesk (formerly Alias) |